
Fentanyl, cocaine, firearms found during Barnesville arrest

BARNESVILLE — A Cleveland man is behind bars in Belmont County after drugs and guns were found during the search of a Barnesville home on Wednesday.

On Friday morning, Sheriff David Lucas announce that the sheriff’s Criminal Interdiction Unit, Barnesville police and the sheriff’s Special Operation Branch served a warrant in Barnesville and conducted a search that led to the arrest of Dajuan “Ox” Fields, 39 of Cleveland. Fields allegedly was found to be in possession of fentanyl, cocaine and two firearms, on of which had been reported stolen.

Fields was booked into the jail on charges of possession and trafficking of drugs, having weapons under disability and receiving stolen property.

Also arrested on active warrants were Rebecca Kenney, 42, of Bellaire and Stephan Cleveland, 26, of Cleveland.

Children Services was contacted as well, since multiple juveniles were found in the home.

Case information has been forwarded to the prosecutor’s office for review and possible additional charges.


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