Local Briefs
Vocational board sets session
ST. CLAIRSVILLE — The Belmont–Harrison Vocational School District Board of Education will conduct its regular April board meeting at 7 p.m. April 17 at Belmont Career Center, 68090 Hammond Road, St. Clairsville. The public can view the meeting online by accessing a link on the district website, bhccenters.com, or Facebook page.
Construction to resume on I–470
BELLAIRE — An interstate 470 overhead bridge repair project at Belmont County Road 214 (High Ridge Road) will resume Monday. The contractor will be painting the bridge over the next several weeks. One lane of traffic will be maintained on CR 214 via temporary traffic signals. Short–term duration closures on I–470 are scheduled to begin April 11, Tuesday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The completion date for all work is May 31.
Committee meeting slated
ST. CLAIRSVILLE — The Mental Health and Recovery Board will be holding a Budget and Finance Committee meeting at 6 p.m. April 11 at the board office, 99 N. Sugar St., St. Clairsville.
Ohio 147 closed
JACOBSBURG — Ohio 147 is closed for 60 days in Jacobsburg, just west of Pipe Creek Road, for a slide repair project. The detour is Ohio 9 north to Ohio 149 east, Ohio 149 east back to Ohio 147, and reverse. The completion date is May 19.
Bridge project underway
BEALLSVILLE — Ohio 148 is restricted just west of Ohio 145 for a bridge repair project. Traffic is maintained via temporary traffic signals. The completion date is June 23.
Belmont commission to meet Wednesday
ST. CLAIRSVILLE — The Belmont County Board of Commissioners will meet at 9 a.m. Wednesday at the courthouse at 101 W. Main St., St. Clairsville.
Slide repair begins
WARNOCK — Ohio 149 is restricted south of Warnock for a slide repair project. During construction, traffic will be maintained via temporary traffic signals with a 10–foot width restriction. The completion date is August 31.
Trustees set meeting
SMITHFIELD — The Smithfield Township Board of Trustees will hold its regular monthly meeting at 6 p.m. Monday at the Smithfield Community Center in Smithfield. To be placed on the agenda, call 740–546–3079.
Slip being fixed
SOMERTON — Ohio 800 is restricted 1 mile south of Somerton for a slide repair project. Traffic is maintained via temporary traffic signals with a 10–foot width restriction. The completion date is Aug. 31.
Disabilities board to meet
ST. CLAIRSVILLE — The Belmont County Board of Developmental Disabilities will meet at 4:30 p.m. April 13 in its office at 68421 Hammond Road, St. Clairsville.
Barnesville schools’ to hold a Community Cleanup Day
BARNESVILLE — The Barnesville Exempted Village School District would like to thank the Barnesville community by conducting a community cleanup day on May 8, with a rain date set for May 15, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. If you would like to have students from the district come to your place of business to assist you in any way — cleaning, weeding, moving items, etc. — complete the form on the Barnesville Area Chamber of Commerce’s website. This is one way for students to say “thank you” for supporting the schools.
Ohio 151 closed for 150 days
BOWERSTON — Ohio 151 is closed in Bowerston for 150 days for a bridge replacement project. The bridge is located between Ohio 121 and Main Street. The contractor will be on site for the coming weeks performing preparation work for future construction, which may require lane closures before the closure. The detour is Ohio 9 south, to U.S. 22 west, to U.S. 250 west, back to Ohio 151, and reverse.
Harrison commission to meet Wednesday
CADIZ — The Harrison County Board of Commissioners will meet at 10 a.m. Wednesday at the courthouse, 100 W. Market St. in Cadiz.