
Ohio University Eastern to host 60th anniversary Gala

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — The community is invited to celebrate Ohio University Eastern’s 60th anniversary on Oct. 14 at River City Restaurant in Wheeling.

The black tie optional event will start at 6 p.m. with a reception and silent auction, followed by dinner, a short program, and conclude with live entertainment featuring the Sarah Hays Band.

The cost for the event is $60 for an individual or $100 per couple. Reservations are required and can be made online at www.bobcatevents.net. All of the proceeds from the Gala will go towards the 60th Anniversary Scholarship Fund.

E. J. Schodzinski, director of external relations and event coordinator, said he is thrilled with the community interest in the event.

“The community support for the gala has been amazing. We currently have 11 community sponsors and have sold nearly 200 tickets in advance of marketing the event. Every ticket sold will go directly towards the scholarship fund because of the sponsor support. We can’t thank them enough for their support of Ohio University Eastern.”

Green and White sponsors for the event are Eagle Creek Farm Properties and Shugert Farms. Gold sponsors include Dr. Paul Abraham, Belmont College, Belmont Savings Bank, Ohio Alumni Association, HGR homes, Lee & Associates, Milleson Insurance Agency, Keith A. Sommer, esq., and Harry and Sue White.

Contact Schodzinski at schodzin@ohio.edu to become a sponsor or for more information.


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