
Local student’s art on display in Columbus

Photo Provided Union Local High School junior Kyleigh Leach, right, poses with her artwork and her brother, who is a subject of the piece. It is part of the 2024-26 Ohio House of Representatives Student Art Exhibition.

COLUMBUS — As part of a celebration of the arts and arts education, the artwork of Kyleigh Leach, a junior at Union Local High School, has been selected for the 2024-26 Ohio House of Representatives Student Art Exhibition.

Leach’s colored pencil rendering of her brother, mother and family dog titled “Do You See What I See?!” was selected from her past honors of this picture by being selected in the

Governor’s Youth Art Exhibition in Columbus and winning first place in Teacher’s Choice Award l at the Belmont County Art Show.

Leach’s art teacher is the recently retired Lisa Marple. Her work is the selected piece for the 96th Ohio House District and Rep. Ron Ferguson, R-Wintersville.

The exhibition is open to the public at the Vern Riffe Center for Government and the Arts lower-level Statehouse connector. The Riffe Center is open during regular business hours year-round.

Begun in 2016, the Ohio Arts Council joined with the Ohio House of Representatives and the Ohio Art Education Association to mount a student exhibition representing all 99 House districts in the state of Ohio.

The exhibition recognizes the talent, creativity, and innovation of students

who receive high quality arts education instruction as part of their academic experience in school. It represents art by some of Ohio’s finest high school artists.

For more information about the Ohio House of Representatives Student Art Exhibition, contact Cat Sheridan, Riffe Gallery director at the Ohio Arts Council, at 614-728-2239 or cat.sheridan@oac.ohio.gov. For more information about the partnering organizations, visit ohiohouse.gov, oaea.org or oac.ohio.gov.


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