
OV Farmers’ Market hosting first Art in the Park

The Ohio Valley Farmers’ Market is preparing to put on an event that will celebrate the area’s artisans and put their wares on display.

The farmers’ market will host its inaugural Art in the Park event on June 22 from 4-8 p.m. in Bellaire’s Union Park. The event will feature artisan and heritage craft vendors including a potter, blacksmith, wool spinner, wood carver, artists, and many others.

The event will also feature a children’s area with face painting by Fairytale Faces by Natalie, balloons by Beyond Balloons, storyteller Mike Perry at 5 p.m. and 6 p.m., and a craft area.

Live music will be provided by Laura Cramblet on hammered dulcimer from 4-6 p.m. and the bluegrass band, Blue Diggety, from 6-8 p.m.

The DORA (Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area) will also be in effect. Adults may purchase alcoholic beverages from licensed establishments in the downtown for outdoor consumption within the DORA.

Vendors are still being accepted for this event.

The market kicked off the 2024 season on June 1 and will continue through October 26 in the municipal parking lot in Bellaire on Saturdays from 9-noon and through October 22 from 3-6 pm on Tuesdays in the Boscov’s parking lot at the Ohio Valley Mall.

For more information, contact Susan West at 740-676-8187.


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