
Bellaire Thespians to perform ‘Grinch’ Dec. 3-4 at libraries

Photo Provided Shown from left are Kaylee Jenkins, Ella Douglas, Ashlyn Shimble and Makenzie Lahna preparing for a holiday show.

SHADYSIDE — The Bellaire High School Thespians will be performing their holiday show “How The Grinch Stole Christmas” on Dec. 3 at the Shadyside Public Library and Dec. 4 at the Bellaire Public Library at 6 p.m. both days. Admission is free.

The evening will also include children’s games, face painting, a holiday sing-a-long, and light refreshments.

Shadyside’s cast includes Kaylee Jenkins, Ashlyn Shimble, Makenzie Lahna, Ella Douglas, Tison Douglas, Alessa Yocum, Landyn Liberatore, Rhianna Somerville, Gabe Quinn, Carlee Mcfeley, Dane Smith, Zane Polivka, Liz Showalter and Benton Ullum. Bellaire’s cast includes Laiken Hibbitts, Hayden Scott, Sam Mccloud, Sedona Griffen, Savannah Griffin, Maelyn Rumskey, Drake Finnicum, Noah Finnicum, Miracle Ruggeiro, Alex Williamson, Paige Coleman, Kyriana Cerritos and Hayleigh Kalo. Stage manager Is Alexia Husted. The shows are directed by Ed Street.


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