
Knitting class slated at Cockayne Farmstead

GLEN DALE — If January is getting you down and you’d like to learn a new skill, check out three knitting classes being offered at Cockayne Farmstead in February.

Organizers are offering Learn to Knit for kids (7 and up) and adults (13 and up), as well as a Knit Your First Sweater Class for those who already know the basics but would love to try something a little harder.

Classes will be held in the Visitor Center at Cockayne and are each limited to 10 participants. Executive Director Kara Gordon will be the instructor for each of the classes.

The Learn to Knit Classes begin Feb. 18 and will continue every Tuesday for four weeks. The kids’ class meets from 4-5 p.m. while the adult class meets from 5-6 p.m. Participants will learn how to knit, purl, cast-on, bind off and make a few beginner projects. All materials are provided. Cost to register is $50.

The Knit Your First Sweater Class will meet from 4-5 p.m. Thursdays beginning Feb. 20 for six weeks. Tools will be provided, but participants will purchase their own yarn. If you can cast on, knit and purl, you can handle making your first sweater. Cost for this workshop is $90 per person.

You can find more information about these classes on Cockayne’s website or Facebook page. To register or ask questions, call 304-845-1411.


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