
Chevron donates $260,000 to area food banks, first responders

CORAOPOLIS, Pa. — In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, Chevron is donating $60,000 to area food banks and $200,000 to 40 volunteer fire departments in Pennsylvania and West Virginia, the company announced.

Food banks in and Marshall County, along with Allegheny, Greene, Fayette, Washington, Westmoreland counties in Pennsylvania, will each receive $10,000; volunteer fire departments and emergency response organizations in Fayette, Greene, Westmoreland and Marshall counties will receive $5,000 each.

“Chevron’s top priority is the health and safety of its workforce and the communities in which we operate,” said Trip Oliver, Corporate Affairs Manager of Chevron Appalachia. “We remain committed to supporting this mission and are deeply grateful for the service of the emergency responders, medical professionals, and community leaders on the front lines who are keeping our communities safe during these challenging times.”

Chevron’s donation is part of a growing effort from private sector businesses, including the area’s natural gas industry, to collectively work together in addressing community needs.

Chevron has long partnered with local first responders across its operating area, including many all-volunteer departments in rural areas, to support training and equipment purchases. In November, the company donated $241,000 to volunteer fire departments and emergency responders in southwest Pennsylvania, as well as Marshall County.


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