
‘Meth Mountain’ leads to arrest

SOMERTON — Deputies with the Belmont County Sheriff’s Criminal Interdiction Unit searched a residence they refer to as “Meth Mountain” on Monday and arrested a man on drug charges.

Deputies executed a search warrant signed by Judge Eric Costine of Western Division Court at a residence on Johnson Ridge in Somerton.

Gary Mark Henthorn, 50, of Somerton was arrested on felony charges of trafficking in methamphetamine and having weapons under disability. He also was the subject of an active arrest warrant for drug possession in Belmont County.

Chistopher Parker, 31, of Quaker City and Sondra Valkovic, 37, of Woodsfield were also found in the residence. They were charged with obstructing justice. Due to COVID-19 concerns, these two were cited into court and were not taken to jail.

Deputies seized methamphetamine and around a dozen firearms from the residence. The Criminal Interdiction Unit had received several complaints about this residence which has been nicknamed as “Meth Mountain” by local residents.

This is the second drug-related search warrant executed at “Meth Mountain” by the interdiction unit in less than a year, according to a release from the sheriff’s department.

The sheriff and county prosecutor’s office are reviewing evidence and working to ensure that “Meth Mountain” remains closed for business, the release states.


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