
More than a hundred volunteers turn out to make day of caring a huge success

WHEELING — Whether it was boxing food for a human services agency or moving heavy file cabinets at a local childcare center, more than 130 volunteers spread out across the region Wednesday to complete various projects and tasks as part of the United Way of the Upper Ohio Valley’s 30th annual Sandy O’Haver Day of Caring.

The Day of Caring, which serves as the official kickoff to the 2021-22 United Way annual campaign, is a rewarding opportunity for many local volunteers, according to United Way Executive Director Jessica Rine. She said local United Way officials announced the theme for this year’s campaign is, “Give Where You Live,” during an early morning breakfast provided for teams of volunteers who gathered at Wheeling Park’s White Palace.

Rine and United Way Board President Todd Cover spoke to the crowd before teams of volunteers were assigned to various projects at 18 different agencies throughout Ohio, Marshall and Belmont counties.

The United Way invited area community partners to give their employees a paid day out of the office to volunteer at a local non-profit agency as part of the event.

Rine said The Day of Caring is a great way for area residents to help the United Way celebrate the good work being done by agencies across local communities.

“The Day of Caring proves to be a great team building day as well as an eye-opening and gratifying experience for volunteers,” Rine explained.

Nearly a dozen volunteers with the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston turned out to help box shelf-stable winter food at the Family Service-Upper Ohio Valley agency. Family Service CEO Paula Calvert said it was “truly a blessing” to have so many volunteers assist the downtown Wheeling agency for a day.

“This is going to allow us to get the food boxes prepared,” Calvert explained. “We’re doing shelf stable boxes for seniors in Ohio and Marshall County. … It’s the little things that make a difference in the lives of others and having this United Way Day of Caring is truly fabulous.”


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