
Mayor, council, township trustees to be elected in the village of Shadyside

File Photo SHADYSIDE MAYOR Robert Newhart is shown presiding over a past Village Council meeting. Newhart is running for re-election against Greg Givens.

SHADYSIDE — Village voters have many candidates and an issue to vote on during Tuesday’s election, including for board of education, mayor, council, Mead Township trustee and a fire department levy.

For the office of mayor, voters will be asked to choose between incumbent Robert Newhart of 3859 Grand Ave. and challenger Greg Givens of 3735 Highland Ave. The mayoral term will begin Jan. 1.

If he retains his seat this election, Newhart said he is looking forward to continuing a good relationship with the school system.

“It’s been a pleasure serving all these years. I look forward to continuing my service,” Newhart said, adding he’s been mayor for 15 years. “I plan to continue working with the school, and hopefully the cracker plant will come to fruition. … The school and village are intertwined. You could have a village without the school, but it’s a great asset for the village. Hopefully if the (ethane cracker) plant comes we can put a new school building in,” Newhart said.

Givens could not be reached for comment; a phone number listing for him was disconnected.

Regarding council seats, voters are asked to choose no more than six people for the term that begins Jan. 1. There are eight people vying for the six seats with two people listed as write-in candidates. The candidates include Carol Givens of 3735 Highland Ave., write-in and incumbent Timothy Merryman of 510 W. 39th St., write-in Brandon Parr, 3990 Adams St., Kevin Tomlinson of 3840 Florence Ave., incumbent John Ferrelli (Republican) of 3812 Lincoln Ave., incumbent Robert Gorrell (Democrat) of 185 W. 45th St., Melanie Haswell (Democrat) of 4122 Woodland Drive, and Louis Meintel (Republican) of 3853 Lincoln Ave.

For the village’s board of public affairs, voters are asked to vote for no more than three people. However, there are only two write-in candidates this election. They are Sue Ferrelli of 3812 Lincoln Ave. and David Gazdik of 97 W. 40th St. The board oversees water rates in the village.

For Mead Township trustee, voters will be asked to pick two people from a field of five candidates. They are Pauline Albright of 70 W. 48th St., Shadyside; Dustin Barnes of 59921 Crozier Ridge Road, Jacobsburg; Clyde Hammond of 58970 Kirkland Hill Road, Bellaire; incumbent David Mellott of 52418 Pipe Creek Road, Jacobsburg; and incumbent Matt Merryman of 56250 Skyline Drive, Shadyside.

Albright said this is her first time running for office, but she believes her managerial experience will be helpful in the trustee position.

“I’ve lived in Shadyside all of my life. … I’m dedicated to getting the job done. I would like to ride the roads and look at plans for fixing roads going forward. I plan to look at wages. … I want to make sure the employees are well taken care of and their health care is where it needs to be compared to other townships,” she said. “And they’ve never had a woman as a trustee. Maybe it’s time for a change.”

Shultz said all of her children and grandchildren live on a township road.

“I’d like to get involved. … I’d like to know the roads are well taken care of,” she said.

The other candidates could not be reached for comment.

Voters will also be asked to consider approving an additional 3-mill property tax levy for the OR&W Fire District. According to the ballot language, the levy would provide and maintain fire apparatus, appliances, buildings or sites, sources of water supply and materials, establish and maintain lines of fire alarm telegraph or cover the payment of permanent, part-time or volunteer firefighters, firefighters employer’s contributions required by Ohio Revised Code, or be used to purchase ambulance equipment or to provide ambulance or emergency medical services operated by the fire department.


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