
Swiss Valley in St. Clairsville now features MLS Laser therapy

Registered Nurse Jaime Butler, an employee of Swiss Valley Foot and Ankle Center in St. Clairsville, points at different settings on the MLS Laser therapy machine. The device can help reduce pain, relieve inflammation and restore mobility. T-L Photo/CARRI GRAHAM

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — The Swiss Valley Foot and Ankle Center serves residents around the Ohio Valley at its four office locations in St. Clairsville, Barnesville, Woodsfield and New Martinsville.

In addition to providing a full spectrum of podiatry services, Dr. Kenneth Cooper, owner of Swiss Valley Foot and Ankle Center, said the practice now has a new laser treatment for foot injuries and ailments.

The Multi-Wave Lock System laser therapy is a pain-free, non-invasive treatment that helps reduce pain and inflammation, and restores mobility.

“It’s really good for something we’re seeing a lot of now called ‘COVID toes,”’ he said.

Cooper said “COVID toes” is a side effect some people experience after contracting the coronavirus. It causes toes, and sometimes fingers, to appear purple or blue in color and to tingle and/or burn. He said the virus causes small blood clots in the vessels of the toes, which leads to a bruising effect and discomfort.

The MLS Laser helps to expand the vessels with concentrated light energy so the blood flow can reestablish itself and break down blood clots, Cooper said. The laser helps to stimulate the body’s own healing process.

“It’s really good for anything involving vascular circulation. We use them a lot for ligaments, tendons, any kind of sports injury. We also use it for neuropathy and diabetic issues, and we have a lot of people who are in chemotherapy radiation and have neuropathy from that,” he said.

Additionally, the laser can help treat arthritis and musculoskeletal pain. According to a MLS Laser Therapy pamphlet, many patients postponed or canceled surgery due to the laser therapy alleviating their condition and reducing or eliminating their pain.

The foot and ankle center helps people with diabetic foot care, bunions, gout, warts, heel pain, plantar fasciitis, corns and calluses, hammertoes, neuromas, cysts, ingrown nails, flat foot, nail care, pediatric foot care and more. Some of its featured treatments include the MLS Laser; Lunula Laser, a treatment for toenail fungus; Clarix Flo, an injectable therapy to help with pain and inflammation from plantar fasciitis; and Gout Treatment, a new treatment to end pain from gout.

“We are a full line surgical and medical podiatry practice,” Cooper said.

The St. Clairsville Office is located at 67348 Warnock St. For more information, call 740-695-4410.


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