
U.S. 250 on hold

DENNISON, Ohio — Due to work remaining on phase one of the U.S. 250 Major Rehabilitation Project, work on Phase 2 will be pushed back. To minimize impacts on motorists, the contractor must complete the final paving on Phase 1 before construction starts on Phase 2.The Phase 2 closure start date is unknown at this time. The Ohio Department of Transportation will release the upcoming start date as it becomes available.

Phase 2 will require the closure of U.S. 250 from Pleasant Valley Road to Ohio 151. During the Phase 2 closure, Pleasant Valley Road and Ohio 151 will remain open at U.S. 250.

ODOT reminds motorists that local traffic only will be permitted to drive through the closure. Local traffic includes emergency services, residents, property owners, and businesses directly within the closure area.

The official detour is Ohio 800 south to U.S. 22 east, U.S. 22 east back to U.S. 250, and reverse. An alternate detour route is Ohio 39 east to Ohio 212 east, Ohio 212 east to Ohio 151 east, Ohio 151 east back to U.S. 250, and reverse. Please note that the alternate detour route is not signed.


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