
Bellaire super fills in as principal

T-L Photo/KAILEY CARPINO Bellaire Board of Education members Jim Thoburn, from left, Susan Rataiczak, Treasurer Cathy Moore, Superintendent and High School Principal Derrick McAfee, members William Marinelli, Jason Ayers and Jim LaRoche discuss McAfee stepping in as high school principal.

BELLAIRE — During the Bellaire Local School Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, Superintendent and Bellaire High School Principal Derrick McAfee said that high school social studies teacher Zach Musilli resigned on Friday and now former principal Scot McMahon decided to step into the role.

“Mr. McMahon, who served in this role for two and a half years, felt his presence was best in the classroom. He’s a gifted American history teacher,” McAfee said.

“Mr. McMahon saw the opportunity to do something for our children and make sure that our kids at this high school don’t miss a beat,” he said.

McAfee said that he will be stepping in as principal and will continue to serve as superintendent for the remainder of the year.

“At the conclusion of the year, we will come up with a permanent solution for this building, however, we don’t feel currently that we could do an exhaustive search,” he said.

McAfee previously served as the high school principal for three years.

“Two of those years were during COVID, so there were big things that I really wanted to do here that I never got the opportunity to. I’m blessed that I get to come back and step into this role and do some of the things that I always envisioned being able to do in our high school. I’m super excited for the opportunity,” he said.

McAfee said that he will have a lot of support and guidance while serving as both principal and superintendent.

“It’s not just me stepping up. It is everybody in our administration, our teaching staff, our school board is going to pick up little pieces of the things that I do to make this work and make sure that our students and our families and our town do not miss a beat,” he said.

“I would not be able to do it if we did not have an incredible staff, amazing support from my fellow administrators, and unwavering support from our Board of Education. It is going to be a big task, but I’m going to have a lot of help. Those of you who have children in the high school, I promise you, you’re not going to see a massive difference. We’re not going to miss a beat. This place is going to keep churning,” McAfee said.

McAfee said that he plans to meet with student council members in December to get input on improvements that could be made to the high school.

In other news, McAfee said that the roof of the high school is leaking and needs to be replaced. He said that after meeting with consultants and architects, he believes the project may cost around $500,000. He said that the Board of Education will put together a bid package for the construction soon and will start accepting bids for the project.

McAfee said that he also wanted to thank the community for passing the school district’s renewal levy with a two-to-one vote.

“I can’t think of a better endorsement for people to say ‘hey, we’re willing to pay a little more’ for us to keep what we have going. I promise you, with the support the way it is, with a town that loves us, and we genuinely love our town and our kids, we can’t miss. …It is our job now to show you that we’re not going to let you down,” he said.

Board member William Marinelli also thanked the community for their support during the election.

“You guys come through to us. You were faithful to us. Thank you for reelecting us and having faith in your board,” he said.

Bellaire Schools also recognized students for their hard work and positive attitude in the classroom. One student from each grade in the elementary and middle school and one male and female student from the high school is chosen each month for the “parade of champions.”

Kindergarten Luca Wise, first grader Logan Wallner, second grader Quentin Smith, third grader Bentley LaRoche, fourth grader Wesley Adams, fifth grader Dylan Cole, sixth grader Lily Hollingshead, seventh grader Jaxon Balsei, eighth grader Logan O’Connell and high school students Gianna Schmitt and Luca D’Aquila.

“Congratulations to all the kids for the great job they’re doing. All the teachers, all the principals, thank you. It’s a great day to be a Big Red,” Marinelli said.

The next regular Bellaire Local School Board of Education meeting is scheduled for 5 p.m. on Dec. 11 at the High School cafeteria.


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