
Heating assistance is now available for residents in the Belmont County area

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — The Ohio Department of Development and Senior Services of Belmont County want to remind Ohioans assistance is available to help with their home energy bills.

The Home Energy Assistance Program helps Ohioans at or below 175% of the federal poverty guidelines pay their heating bills.

Ohioans can visit energyhelp.ohio.gov to apply online, download a copy of the application, or find contact information for a local Energy Assistance Provider.

Senior citizens can go to their local Area Agency on Aging office for help with assembling the required documents and completing their HEAP application.

Individuals will need to have copies of the following documents to include with their application:

∫ Most recent utility bills.

∫ A list of all household members (including birth dates and Social Security numbers).

∫ Proof of income for the past 30 days for all household members (12 months for certain income types).

∫ Proof of U.S. citizenship or legal residency for all household members.

∫ Proof of disability (if applicable).

HEAP benefits are applied to an individual’s energy bill after Jan. 1. If you need immediate assistance with your energy bills, contact your local Energy Assistance Provider.

A list of providers can be found at energyhelp.ohio.gov.

The last day to apply for the regular HEAP benefit is May 31. For more information or assistance with applying for a HEAP benefit, contact your local senior center, or Community Action Commission at 740-695-0293.

For more information on the programs, visit energyhelp.ohio.gov or call your local Energy Assistance Provider.


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