
NAACP gives $1,000 to Wheeling Health Right


The Belmont County NAACP celebrates the holiday season by making a donation to Wheeling Health Right, which helps to meet the health care needs of qualified Belmont County residents. The gift is being made at Vino di Piccin in Lansing, where the NAACP held its Christmas party on Thursday evening. Pictured from left are NAACP members Press Secretary Vince Gianangeli, 2nd Vice President Levar Martin and Secretary Melvin Williams, Health Right Marketing Director Anne Ricci, Director Kathie Brown, phlebotomist Sheila McGhee and Assistant Director Dee Phillips, with NAACP Assistant Secretary Kortney Pitts, President Jerry Moore II and members Kristina Estle and Michaela Berardi. Moore said the organization was pleased to help Health Right so it can continue to serve those living in Belmont County in addition to its West Virginia clients.


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