
Allen Pool renovates its bath houses

Photo Provided Allen Pool celebrates its recently refurbished bath house’s grand reopening. Pictured from left are Amanda Lengyel of JD&E construction, John S. Marshall and Jerry Moore of the St. Clairsville Area Chamber of Commerce, Belmont County Commissioner J.P. Dutton, Park Manager Katie Baker, park board member Teri Walters, park Commissioner Eric Costine, park board member Conrad Heydle, park design manager Tim Crowley and park board member Joe Slavik.

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — Allen Pool received its first major upgrade this spring since its inception more than a half century ago.

The project consisted of revamping both the men’s and women’s bath houses with all new changing rooms, showers and sinks.

“This is the first major upgrade since it was built. We don’t know the exact year, but it’s about 65 years ago. It was sorely needed, I know we had a lot of complaints about the bathrooms. They were antiquated, so I think the public is going to be really happy with the restrooms.” Memorial Park Board member Conrad Heydle said.

In addition to the restroom renovation, Allen Pool also added a new covered seating area.

“There’s people who come with their kids but don’t want to be out in the sun the entire time, so this will be perfect for them,” Heydle said.

Parks Manager Katie Banks added, “We never had anywhere where people could come in and get out of the sun.”

Along with daily use, the covered seating area will also be available for party rentals, they noted.

The renovation was funded by a permanent improvement levy. The board had saved those funds for the past couple of years. The project cost almost a half million dollars and took nearly four months to complete.

“A lot of people think we’re city funded and a city park but we’re independent from the city of St. Clairsville, although we are in the city limits,” Heydle said.

Allen Pool is officially open for the season and will remain open every day from noon to 6 p.m. for the entire summer with moonlight swims on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-10 p.m. Family pool passes are available at Kirke’s Homemade Ice Cream and Reisbeck’s in St. Clairsville for $130. Day rates are free for ages 2 and under, $3 for ages 3-17, $5 for ages 18-59 and $3 for those age 60 and older.


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