
Flushing Masonic Lodge 298 honors 2024 scholarship winners

Shown here are the Union Local recipients, from left, Jersie Watson, Kiara Triplett, Hallee McGary and Alexandria Koscoe.
Pictured here are the Harrison Central recipients, from left, Hunter Bittinger, Ava Carson, Alex Dray and Payton Roski.

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Flushing Masonic Lodge 298 is proud to announce its 2024 scholarship winners. This is the 19th year that the Flushing Masonic Lodge has awarded scholarships to graduating seniors of Union Local and Harrison Central high schools. In the first year, the lodge awarded two $250 scholarships to UL and HCHS students. It now awards eight $500 scholarships — four to Union Local High School and four to Harrison Central High School.


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