
Annual Caleb Smail Human Kindness Project fundraiser 5K and corn bag toss is Sunday

Photo Provided The family and friends of the late Caleb Smail gather during a past fundraiser conducted in his honor. The Caleb Smail Human Kindness Project’s 5K race and corn bag toss tournament is on Sunday, June 23, at Bethlehem Park.

BETHLEHEM — The Caleb Smail Human Kindness Project is set to host its 4th annual fundraiser on Sunday, June 23, at Bethlehem Park.

The event will include a 5K race in the morning and a corn bag toss tournament in the afternoon. Registration for the race begins at 7:30 a.m. and registration for the corn bag toss event is at 11 a.m.

There will be a 50/50 raffle, silent auction, music by Stage Right, and inflatables and face painting for children.

Beth Kennedy, mother of the late Caleb Smail, has held an event in memory of her son since 2019. Kennedy chose Youth Services System Inc. to receive the funds raised at each event for the past two years.

“I chose YSS to be the recipient of the funds because our mission is so similar,” she said. “YSS is committed to creating a better future for children, families, and our community. This was something Caleb was passionate about and for this reason, I feel YSS is the best choice.”

Tammy Kruse, YSS director of development and public relations, said, “We are excited to help plan the inaugural Caleb Smail Human Kindness Project 5K race in conjunction with the annual cornhole tournament.”

Kruse continued, “We are looking forward to seeing our community come out to support Beth, her family and friends as they continue to share the love and dreams of Caleb.”

Each year, local businesses donate items for the raffles and silent auction. Some items that have been donated include game tickets to the Wheeling Nailers, admission tickets to All Fore Fun Family Park, furniture donated from Oak Hill, and so much more.

For more details or to sign up for the 5K race, visit the sign-up link listed on the CSHKP Facebook. To sign-up for the cornhole tournament, or to become a sponsor for the event, contact Beth Kennedy at CalebSmailHumanKindnessProject@gmail.com.


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