
Ohio DD Council announces grant opportunities

THE OHIO Developmental Disabilities Council announced the availability of $216,000 in federal grant funds for projects that promote systems change, capacity building and advocacy for people with developmental disabilities.

Four projects are being offered in the areas of outreach and public policy. Grant amounts can range from $26,000 up to $100,000, depending upon the project.

One project offered is a public policy research grant that analyzes other states’ responses and outcomes to eliminating subminimum wages for individuals with developmental disabilities. Another project seeks to explore and evaluate the service and support needs of individuals with developmental disabilities living in rural communities.

All grant awards are contingent upon the availability of federal funds. Applicants must provide cash or in-kind “matching” funds of 33.33% in non-poverty areas and 11.11% in poverty areas.

Interested parties can obtain more information about the available projects and application process by visiting the Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council’s website, or by calling 800-766-7426.

A complete list of projects, along with project descriptions, funding amounts, and project requirements can be found on the Notice of Funds Available page under the Projects and Grants tab on the Council’s website.

The council will accept online applications until June 28.

It is the mission of the Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council to create change that improves independence, productivity and inclusion for people with developmental disabilities and their families in community life.


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