
Smoother road ahead: Repaving and milling prep work begins on Main Street

WHEELING — Motorists traveling through downtown Wheeling will soon have a smoother ride to enjoy with the anticipated completion of repaving of Main Street during the next couple weeks.

Work to prepare Main Street for repaving began Monday as part of the major Downtown Streetscape Project.

Closure of the right lane of Main Street between 10th and 16th streets began Monday and is expected to remain closed through Friday for the milling work. The repaving is expected to happen immediately after.

Then, starting June 24-28, the left lane is expected to be closed for milling and repaving as well.

The West Virginia Division of Highways advises motorists to slow down, drive carefully and expect delays during the process.

Inclement weather could delay work.

The $32 million Downtown Streetscape Project’s general contractor is Triton Construction of St. Albans, W.Va. The idea to begin the repaving came about after it was determined a majority of the Main Street sidewalk work was finished. Doing so will also give motorists a much-needed break from the bumpy ride — and pedestrians a smoother walk, as well.

The job has included the installation of new stormwater pipes, new sidewalks and curbs, in-ground planters for plants and trees, new traffic signals and new lighting.

New colorful bike racks have also been installed in recent days along with new benches.

Work to install new sidewalks and curbs on Market Street is also underway.

The repaving of Market Street is slated to occur in the future after the sidewalk work is completed.


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