
Belmont County Dems award scholarship

T-L Photo/JENNIFER COMPSTON-STROUGH Members of the Belmont County Democratic Party present a $1,000 check to the winner of its scholarship essay contest. Shown from left are Michael Shaheen, winner Evan White, county party Vice Chairwoman Grace Hoffman and Chairman Phil Wallace.

The Belmont County Democratic Party congratulates Evan White, standing center, for winning its $1,000 scholarship this year. Celebrating with him are his parents Midy and Garry White, seated, and party member Michael Shaheen, left, and Chairman Phil Wallace, right.

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — One local student received a boost to support his plans to attend college, courtesy of the Belmont County Democratic Party.

The Belmont County Democratic Party offered local students the opportunity to win a $1,000 scholarship this spring. The county party provided $500 toward the award with member and St. Clairsville attorney Michael Shaheen providing the remaining $500.

Scholarship applicants were asked to write an essay of up to 500 words on a political or governmental topic of their choice. To be eligible, students were required to be high school seniors residing in Belmont County, and they had to be registered Democrats. Applicants were required to have a grade point average of at least 3.0 and be enrolled or planning to enroll as a full-time college student in pursuit of a four-year degree.

After the applications were reviewed, Evan White of Flushing was selected as this year’s winner.

White is a Union Local High School graduate who plans to attend Bethany College in the fall. He said he will seek a degree in sports studies and play baseball for the Bison. His career aspirations are to become a coach or athletic director.

White is the son of Garry and Mindy White, and he plays Legion baseball for Post 159 in St. Clairsville.

White chose the topic of labor unions for his essay, pointing out their importance in securing better wages and benefits and safer workplace environments.

“Unions are a large part of my family and I feel they are just as important now as they have ever been,” White wrote. “… Because of unions, poverty has declined, women are getting paid more and moms are being taken care of.”

He noted that his father’s membership in a union has provided benefits for his entire family, including making it possible for both him and his brother to have braces and glasses that they needed. He also wrote that his dad’s union membership gave him the opportunity to apply for certain scholarships that will help fund his college education.

“Unions provide hope to young workers,” he continued. “Unions are helping workers understand they have rights and a say-so within the workplace. They also provide a network of people who can advocate for anything needed. Unions take care of their own, young or old.”

Shaheen said he was happy to help fund the award.

“I’ve been advocating for the creation of a scholarship such as this for years,” Shaheen said.

He credited attorney Grace Hoffman, vice chair of the county party, for working to create the scholarship guideline and application process and for gathering the applications to be reviewed.

“Grace did all the hard work<" Shaheen said. “She shares my passion for young minds. We want young people to understand the political process regardless of party.”

He also commended White for his essay that won the award.

“Evan is very deserving, and he comes from a great local family,” Shaheen concluded.


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