
Heat brings out ‘Sunflower Festival’ at Freeland Farm

File photo by Joselyn King Pictured is the entrance to the sunflower maze at Freeland Farms’ 2023 Sunflower Festival. The festival will run earlier this year due to weather conditions.

WELLSBURG — The sun, heat and lack of rain are bringing the sunflowers out early this year, so the 3rd Annual Sunflower Festival at the Freeland Farm will take place this weekend.

Typically, the festival happens at the end of July. But severe drought conditions are forcing the sea of yellow flowers that covers nearly two acres on the farm to bloom early, owner Eric Freeland explained.

The festival is set for 2-8 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday at the Freeland Farm, located at 2470 Windy Will Road, Wellsburg near the Wheeling-Ohio County Airport. It is two miles east of Windsor Heights.

Cost to attend is $20 per car.

This weekend may be the only chance to see the sunflowers, according to Freeland.

“It’s possible we will have the festival next weekend. But if the drought continues and then we get rain, there may be nothing left of them,” he said.

Freeland expects the sunflowers to still look beautiful, but not necessarily be as tall this year.

“Instead of five foot sunflowers, they are more like two- or three-feet-tall,” he said. “They’re still spectacular — just not as tall. They’re stunted back because of the drought. They like heat but need water.”

Freeland added all of his crops have been affected by the heat, and he expects them all to peak two weeks early. Among his selections are tomatoes, zucchinis, cucumbers, potatoes, blackberries and strawberries.

During the festival, visitors will be able to purchase a vase and harvest sunflowers and the nearby zinnias for a cost. The farm store will be open, which has for sale eggs, jams and honey.

Freeland said the farm recently purchased a snow cone maker that will be in use during the festival. There will also be baked goods available from Runway Farms, and Freeland hopes to have a food vendor on site.

“People will be able to walk through the sunflower mazes,” he said. “There will be a lot of photo ops — on tractors and seating among the sunflowers. They will be able to harvest their own vase of sunflowers or zinnias, and tour the rest of the farm.”

Limited shuttle abilities on a side-by-side will be available for those with physical limitations.

“We have nearly two acres of sunflowers, so just come take in the grandeur of the sea of yellow,” he said.

“This is all part of our slight endeavor to do agritourism here, rather than just selling crops. We want to be a destination where people can go to enjoy the day. People are invited to bring their picnic lunch and stay for a while.”

Freeland is especially extending an invitation to those on the Ohio side of the river who may not previously have been to his farm. The new Wellsburg Bridge makes it possible for those living in Brilliant or Mingo Junction to be at his farm “in 15 to 20 minutes,” he noted.


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