
Buckeye Hills earns Community Development Department of the Year award

Photo Provided Buckeye Hills Development Specialists Brad Peoples and Emma Yeager, from left, and Development Director Sam Miller accept the Community Development Department of the Year award from Ohio Conference of Community Development board member Dawn Fish.

COLUMBUS — The Ohio Conference of Community Development recognized Buckeye Hills Regional Council’s Development Division as the Community Development Department of the Year for its significant impact in Southeast Ohio at the OCCD Annual Summer Meeting on July 24 in Columbus.

“The Buckeye Hills Regional Council Development Division stands as a testament to the power of collaboration, innovation, and dedication to empowering local communities,” said BHRC Development Director Sam Miller. “With an understanding of the unique challenges faced by rural areas, the division has spearheaded initiatives aimed at revitalizing neighborhoods, expanding economic opportunities, and enhancing quality of life.”

Among the division’s standout achievements is its comprehensive approach to community planning. Through extensive stakeholder engagement and forward-thinking strategies, Buckeye Hills has helped communities develop robust plans for future development. In 2023 and 2024, Buckeye Hills facilitated conversations with communities around the $500 million Appalachian Community Grant Program to ensure communities were prepared for this monumental opportunity. The team also engaged in an eight-part workshop series for the rewrite of the region’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy, Buckeye Hills Forward, resulting in deeper engagement with local stakeholders than previous CEDS processes. Through this engagement, BHRC Development staff connected with over 200 community members and received over 2,000 data points that informed the analysis of the region’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This planning strategy and engagement model also earned the Development Division three 2023 Impact Awards from the National Association of Development Organizations. The annual Impact Awards program honors NADO members for their creative approaches to advancing regional economic development and improving quality of life.

The BHRC Development Division has also helped rural communities in southeast Ohio to secure the funding and resources to support local projects. Leveraging a deep understanding of grant programs and financing mechanisms, the division has successfully secured millions of dollars in funding for infrastructure improvements, small business assistance programs, and community facilities. Over the past year, the hard work and due diligence of the six-person Development team facilitated the investment of over $184 million to communities for projects supporting local business, workforce development, community infrastructure, and regional culture and tourism. By facilitating access to these resources, Buckeye Hills has empowered communities to turn their visions into reality and drive meaningful change.


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