
Bellaire man causes police foot chase after threatening residents with pistol

BELLAIRE — The Bellaire Police Department arrested Daniel Roeder, 25, on Friday for allegedly threatening other residents with a pistol.

The police department responded to a call with witnesses stating Roeder had been threatening people with a pistol at 3408 Monroe St.

Officers detained Roeder from the residence for questioning.

During the investigation of the incident, Roeder reportedly escaped from law enforcement, causing a foot chase to break out.

Officers later apprehended Roeder, who was transported to the Belmont County Jail. Reports indicate officers retrieved a pistol, drugs and drug paraphernalia from the residence.

The police department arrested Roeder on charges of escape, parole violation, having weapons while under disability and aggravated menacing.

Authorities said Roeder could be facing additional charges as he is already a convicted felon.


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