
Belmont County Clerk of Courts Monthly Report — July 2024

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — Belmont County Clerk of Courts Laura A. Zupko reported the following activity occurred in her office in July:

Clerk’s Fees — $52,654.48

Interest Fees — $1,447.69

New Cases Filed in the Legal Department:

Certificates of Judgments: 24

Civil: 24

Court of Appeals: 4

Criminal: 31

Dissolutions: 10

Domestic Relations: 7

Domestic Violence: 4

The Legal Department is located on the 3rd floor of the Belmont County Courthouse, 101 W. Main St., St. Clairsville and can be reached at 740-699-2169.

Vehicle and Watercraft Report:

All-Terrain Vehicles: 43

Ambulance: 0

Buses: 0

Manufactured Homes: 11

Motor Homes: 8

Motorcycles: 119

New Cars: 244

New Pick–Up Trucks: 91

New Trucks: 15

Off-Road Motorcycles: 10

Outboard Motors: 14

Trailers: 18

Travel Trailers: 31

Unconventional: 40

Used Cars: 1,212

Used Pick-Up Trucks: 420

Used Trucks: 61

Vans: 35

Watercrafts: 53

The Belmont County Title Office is located at 52180 National Road East, St. Clairsville and can be reached at 740-695-5406.


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