
Ohio Natural Energy Institute offering first responders free immersive, hands-on training

PATASKALA , Ohio — Registration is now open for the Ohio Natural Energy Institute’s annual GOSAFER training for first responders.

This training is the only of its kind in the nation, offering education and experience to hundreds of firefighters and first responders in Ohio on the natural gas and oil industry.

“Our GOSAFER training is an initiative we are particularly proud of at the Ohio Natural Energy Institute. Being able to offer this service to those who give so much to our state free of charge is incredibly rewarding,” said Bruce Tague, executive director of the Ohio Natural Energy Institute. “Thank you to all the natural gas and oil producers who make it possible to offer this free resource.”

As a top energy producing state, it’s critical for Ohio’s first responders to be well versed in the natural gas and oil industry and how to handle any emergency situation. First responders who register will go through a virtual education that is then paired with hands-on training.

Training Highlights:

∫ Fundamentals of Natural Gas and Oil

∫ Site Safety, HAZMAT, H2S Awareness and Gas Monitor Use

∫ Conventional Production & Equipment

∫ Unconventional Production & Equipment

∫ Storage, Processing, and Transportation of Petroleum Products

∫ Responding to an Emergency

∫ KSAs (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities) for Hands-On Evolution Day

2024 GOSAFER Training

Part 1: Virtual training available: 24/7/365

Virtual training modules to be completed online (4.5 CE hours)

Part 2: In-person, hands-on training available: Oct. 12

In-person training will be held at the Wayne County Fire & Rescue Regional Training Facility in Apple Creek, Ohio. (6.5 CE hours)

For more information and registration, visit: ohionaturalenergy.org/first-responders.


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