
Adults-only Halloween Bash planned Thursday

Photo Provided Halloween Bash attendees pose with a spooky spider at the Belmont County Courthouse during a past St. Clairsville Area Chamber of Commerce Halloween Bash.

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — Adult ghouls and goblins are invited to participate in the annual Halloween Bash sponsored by the St. Clairsville Area Chamber of Commerce.

The bash is an adults-only trick or treat-style event that is slated for 5:30-8 p.m. Thursday and takes place on Main Street.

The St. Clairsville Area Chamber of Commerce has been hosting the bash for over 10 years. Executive Director Wendy Anderson credits the support of the city’s residents for its longevity.

She said the goal of the annual event is for residents to visit and shop at the several businesses on Main Street. Many of the stores participating have decorated their storefronts in past years, and Anderson assumes that they will again for this year’s event.

“We have many businesses participating, and the idea is for people to dress up in costume. They don’t have to, but it’s encouraged,” she said.

The event will have a costume contest that will be judged by several unnamed anonymous judges walking around the entire event scoring the costumes, with a winner being announced at the end. The winner of the costume contest will receive a cash prize sponsored by Dvorak & Sons, Jarvis Law, Better You Nutrition and Fear Field Haunt. Fear Field Haunt won’t only be sponsoring the prize but also will have several of its workers walking through the event giving attendees a good scare while distributing coupons for tickets to its attraction at 71320 Center St.

Chamber Assistant Director Lisa Kindler said the bash will have more businesses participating that aren’t located on Main Street. She added that there will be multiple food trucks, entertainment by D.J. Tommy, and free photos by Smiley Ann’s Photo Van courtesy of WesBanco bank.

The bash will also serve as the chamber’s first Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area event. Not only will established Main Street businesses Newellstown Diner and Audrey’s Avenue be selling beer, but the chamber will be selling beer during the evening through Trent Brownsfield of Creepin Motorsports’ Beer Truck.

According to the Ohio Department of Commerce, “A Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area, or DORA, is a specified area of land that a local legislative authority (city council or township trustees) has designated as exempt from certain open container provisions as laid out in Ohio Revised Code Section 4301.82. Within the boundaries of the DORA, patrons can purchase an open beverage containing alcohol from an on-premises liquor permit holder, such as a bar or a restaurant, and leave the premises with the drink and continue consuming it. While the law places certain restrictions on DORAs, the decision of whether to create a DORA, including its size, how many should be created, its hours of operation, what cups are used, or any health, safety, and sanitation plans when the DORA is in effect are all locally-controlled decisions.”

Anderson added that the event will have three check-in points where attendees will have to provide their identification. Once they provide proof of being 21 years or older, they will be given a wristband before entering the area.

“It’s a night to have fun for adults,” Anderson said.

“Halloween isn’t just for kids,” Kindler added.

The bash is in partnership with Trinity Health System with beverage sponsors being Panhandle Cleaning and Restoration and Paree Insurance.


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