
Bridgeport first graders sing their thanks

Music teacher Ashley Krieger at Bridgeport Exempted Village School District helps first graders prepare for their Thanksgiving presentation. They sang a selection of songs about gratitude while parents and families filled the cafetorium to listen.

BRIDGEPORT — The first graders at Bridgeport Elementary celebrated Thanksgiving with a selection of songs during the “We are Thankful” program Nov. 21, before a packed cafetorium of parents and families. The entire first grade of more than 60 students took the stage in the cafetorium to sing. Students also took turns speaking about what they are thankful for.

The mood was joyous as the first graders reminded all to stop a moment and be grateful.

Ashely Krieger, music teacher for kindergarteners through sixth graders, as well as middle school and high school choir, was in the lead, preparing the students and directing them as they hit their marks. Afterward she said she was proud of the first graders, adding the successful production was result of hard work by children and staff.

“We’ve been practicing once a week for about the last six weeks. They’ve been working on their songs and their speaking parts,” she said. “We want to make sure everybody gets their chance to shine.”

The students exceeded expectations.

“We definitely have some very talented young musicians.”

Krieger also thanked the community for turning out to hear the students.

“We set up over 300 chairs and had to bring out more. We had an amazing turnout,” she said.

“I just want to say a big thank-you to the first-grade teachers. They’re super-helpful getting kids ready for the program. Kids have a lot of energy. I can’t do it without them, so I really appreciate all of their help.”

Elementary School Principal Kamaron Sabinski observed parents’ and families’ enthusiasm in cheering on their first graders.

“I’m just grateful for the amount of people that came. It speaks volumes,” Sabinski said.

“The turnout was exceptional,” she said. “We had so many people come. The students love to do this. They have worked so hard for weeks in preparation. I could not be prouder of them. Miss Krieger is a phenomenal teacher. She just makes things happen. She makes learning fun for every single student in this elementary school.”

She said the strong community was evident.

“We are extremely blessed at Bridgeport Elementary School,” Sabinksi said.

Sabinski also commended Krieger for taking on a myriad duties and performing flawlessly.

“The teachers volunteer to come in and help Miss Krieger and help their students and I don’t know what we would do without the support. It’s a true team effort.”

The second and third graders will be performing their Christmas program 6 p.m. Dec. 12. The fifth graders through seniors will perform at the band and choir winter concert 7 p.m. Dec. 18.


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