
Chavez wins 30th District Senate seat

Photo by Michelle Dillon Ohio Sen. Brian Chavez, third from left, looks at election results with his supporters at the Washington County Republican Headquarters Tuesday evening.

MARIETTA, Ohio — With nearly 60% of precincts reporting Tuesday night, Sen. Brian Chvez, R-Marietta, won a full, four-year term representing Ohio’s 30th Senate District.

According to final, unofficial results from the Ohio Secretary of State’s office, Chavez was leading Democrat Ari Faber with 69% of the nearly 150,000 votes counted as of 10 p.m.

Chavez, owner of Reno Oil and Gas LLC and Chavez Well Service, was appointed to the seat in December following the retirement of Sen. Frank Hoagland. He faced Faber, an outreach director at an Athens nonprofit who has lived as a man for several years and was listed on the ballot under his deadname Iva Faber due to state law requiring candidates who have had a former name in the past five years to list it on election petitions.

Chavez was at the Washington County Republican headquarters Tuesday night waiting for the election results. He said he planned to “represent everyone in the district.”

During the campaign, Chavez said, he talked about the issues, wanted people to know what he stood for and “didn’t go negative at all.”

Chavez said he ran into some issues during his campaign due to voices on the fringes but said politics should be “about a difference of opinions that we work through.”

Chavez said he plans to “work very hard” just like he has done for the last year and is “excited to work on a full term” and help eastern and southeastern Ohio.


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