
Chavez announces funding for community development projects

COLUMBUS — State Sen. Brian Chavez, R-Marietta, announced over $1.5 million will fund several infrastructure and public service projects in multiple counties.

“It is important that we provide financial assistance to our local communities to help support their infrastructure needs,” said Chavez. “These improvements will make our region a better place to work, live, and raise a family.”

Recipients include:

∫ The city of Athens will receive $150,000 for sidewalk improvements.

∫ Athens County will receive $218,000 to install an accessible playground and make sidewalk improvements in the city of Jacksonville.

∫ Guernsey County will receive $210,000 to repave four streets in Buffalo.

∫ Jefferson County will receive $212,000 for street improvements in Springfield Township and the Village of Berholz.

∫ Meigs County will receive $150,000 for the Meigs Cooperative Parish in Pomery to replace windows and construct new parking spaces. The village of Racine will install a pickleball court and replace water meters.

∫ Monroe County will receive $150,000 to make improvements to the Wayne Township Community Center.

∫ Noble County will receive $150,000 to restore the foundation of the Halley Ridge School House in Ava. The county will also replace a walking path and construct a pavilion at the Jefferson Township Park.

This funding comes from the federal Community Development Block Grant Allocation Program. Cities and counties considered U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development non-entitlement communities are eligible to apply for funds biannually. Ohio’s 101 eligible communities are divided between even and odd years of funding, with 49 communities receiving a total of $10,997,450 for 2024.


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