
15 companies from across country submit bids to repaint McKeever water storage tank

T-L Photo/GAGE VOTA Belmont County Commissioner Vince Gianangeli listens as Commissioner J.P. Dutton announces the bids received to repaint the McKeever water storage tank.

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — Belmont County commissioners opened bids to repaint the McKeever water storage tank Wednesday.

At a previous meeting in December, Commissioner Jerry Echemann made a motion to advertise for bids to repaint the tank for the Belmont County Water and Sewer District. The motion was based on the recommendation of district Director Kelly Porter and was unanimously approved.

At Wednesday’s meeting, Porter said the county has 22 water source tanks and the district stays on a maintenance schedule to repaint each tank roughly every 20 years.

“We do a recoating project on a tank about every 20 years and have 22 tanks, so about every year we’re doing one,” Porter said.

He added that the McKeever water storage tank outside Belmont was built roughly 20 years ago meaning that this will be the first time it will be repainted since its creation.

“By keeping up with this program we’ve got tanks that are 65 years old, so we keep them in good shape and they last a long time,” Porter said.

After Porter spoke, the commissioners proceeded to open several bids from companies from all over the country.

∫ The first bid was from Eagle Eye Construction LLC of Wintersville for $449,160.

∫ The second bid came from D and Six Sons Painting LLC, located in Stockbridge, Michigan, at $749,200.

∫ The third bid was from LMT Painting Inc. of Mocomb, Michigan, for $312,640.

∫ Fourth, E&L Contractors Inc. of Howell, Michigan, submitted a bid of $715,000.

∫ Next, D&M Painting Corp. of Washington, Pennsylvania, submitted a bid of $711,870.

∫ Clear Creek Coating LTV made a bid of $535,150.

∫ Worldwide Industries Corp. based in Butler, Pennsylvania, made a bid of $518,125.

∫ The next bid was from Utility Services Co. Inc. based in Perry, Georgia, for $608,900.

∫ Viking Painting LLC of La Vista, Nebraska, bid $626,250.

∫ The eleventh submission was from Seven Brothers Painting Inc. from Shelby Township, Michigan, at $729,000.

∫ LC United Painting of Sterling Heights, Michigan, submitted a bid of $602,600.

∫ Next Classic Protective Coating Inc. from Menomonie, Wisconsin, bid $1,145,044.

∫ The 14th bid came from BRZ Coatings Inc. from Watauga, Texas, in the amount of $557,000.

∫ The final bid submission came from M.W. Cole Construction from the Villages in Florida in the amount of $519.00.

“So with that I move to turn over all bids received for the McKeever tank repainting project to Kelly Porter, the water and sewer district director, for review and recommendation,” Commissioner J.P. Dutton said. “I’ll note for the record that the engineer’s estimate for this project was $600,000.”


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