Buckeye Local spellers move on to next round

Photo by Ross Gallabrese
Brheanna Boyles, a sixth-grade pupil at Buckeye Local Junior High School, placed first in the Buckeye Local School District Spelling Bee held Jan. 15 at Buckeye Local High School. Boyles correctly spelled “bristle,” a noun meaning a short, stiff and coarse hair or filament, or the stiff hairs or plastic pieces that are attached to a brush, to claim the win. Taking part in the awards ceremony were, from left, front, Boyles; Kellan Duck, a fifth-grader at South Elementary School, second; and Liam Thomas, an eighth-grader at Buckeye Local Junior High School, third; back, Susan Nolan, district spelling bee coordinator; Rylee Collins, a sixth-grader at Buckeye Local Junior High School, fourth; Jordan Lowe, a fifth-grader at South Elementary, fifth; Carter Stoltey, a sixth-grader at Buckeye Local Junior High, alternate; and Coy Sudvary, Buckeye Local superintendent. The top five spellers and alternate will advance to the Jefferson-Harrison County Regional Spelling Bee, presented by the Herald-Star, at 11 a.m. March 8 at Buckeye North Elementary School in Brilliant.