
Burglary in Bellaire leads to the arrest of two men

David Jones

BELLAIRE — Bellaire Police Department arrested two men for a burglary that was in progress when officers arrived.

Bellaire police were dispatched in response to a 911 call on Thursday. The caller told dispatchers that a burglary was in progress at 2905 Hamilton St., where the property owners were physically restraining a suspect on the ground, according to Police Chief J.J. Watson. Reports indicate the suspect was attempting to flee.

When officers arrived on scene, they took the man who was being physically restrained into custody.

The officers also heard someone on the second floor of the house while they were on the scene. They searched the upstairs level and found another man allegedly hiding behind a door.

They took both men into custody and reportedly found both suspects in possession of stolen items from the residence and criminal tools used during the burglary.

Bellaire residents David Jones, 38, and Paul McElroy, 45, were charged with burglary and possession of criminal tools and were lodged in the Belmont County Jail.

The investigation is continuing, Watson said.


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