
New Martinsville natives bring Appalachia to the big screen

NEW MARTINSVILLE — A pair of New Martinsville natives will bring a film exploring the Appalachian opioid crisis to theaters beginning Friday.

“Hazard” is directed by Eddie Mensore, with Michael McKowen serving as production and costume designer.

The two New Martinsville natives are deeply committed to authentically portraying the stories of their Appalachian roots, and their latest collaboration is a testament to their shared dedication to highlighting the resilience and culture of the Central Appalachian mountains.

Mensore’s passion for his community is evident in his previous work, including the critically acclaimed 2019 coal mine drama “Mine 9” — which won several awards including best film at the Arizona International Film Festival. Now, with “Hazard,” Mensore takes a heartfelt and unflinching look at the opioid crisis, featuring a cast that includes Sosie Bacon (“Smile”), Alex Roe (“Rings,”“Forever My Girl”), Dave Davis (“The Vigil,”“Renfield”), Steven Ogg (“The Walking Dead,”“Snowpiercer”), and West Virginia native Kevin Sizemore (“Mine 9”).

“The opioid crisis has taken so much from Appalachia, but it hasn’t stolen our spirit,” Mensore said. “Through storytelling, we honor both the pain and the perseverance of our communities.

“As a West Virginia filmmaker, I feel a responsibility to capture the truth of Appalachia — not just its challenges but its unyielding capacity for love, family, and survival.”

McKowen’s production and costume design further bring authenticity to the film. He approached the project with a personal connection to its themes.

“Being from the region, I felt a responsibility to get the details right,” he said. “The visuals needed to reflect the lived-in reality of these communities. Spending time with locals and hearing their stories helped us craft sets and costumes that felt true to life.”

Set in a small mining town grappling with the opioid crisis, “Hazard” follows Will, played by Roe, a reluctant drug dealer determined to protect his family from the devastation of addiction. The story explores themes of resilience, sacrifice, and survival as Will navigates the harrowing choices that threaten to entangle him further in chaos.

The film will make its theatrical debut Friday with screenings in more than two dozen theaters across Appalachia. A broader regional release will follow on Jan. 17, leading up to showings in New York on Jan. 31 and Los Angeles on Feb. 7.

Mensore, McKowen and cast members Roe and Davis will attend select screenings and host community panels addressing addiction and mental health. Special advance screenings will be held from Jan. 6-9, culminating in a red carpet event in Louisville, Kentucky, on Jan. 10.

For additional details and screening information, visit www.hazardthemovie.com.


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