
Swiss Hills Career Center announces second nine weeks honor roll students

Director’s List

Juniors — Tori Blankenship, Dimitry Doudna, and Olivia Earley

Seniors — Remington Conley, Allison Fletcher, Lanie Largent and Maggie Striker

First Honors

Seniors — Lamar Anderson, Mary Brooks, Kyler Graham, Josiah Hise, Hunter Lyman, Finnegan Ogden and Joseph Osborne

Juniors — Sophia Biedenbach, Sienna Griffin, Joelle Haslam, Marishka Pasztor, Kyler Pinkerton, Mykel Shinkle and Ryanna Wells

Sophomores — Brandon Clark, Holden Dietrich, Sophie Stalnaker, Kailynn Vancamp and Gunnar Workman

Second Honors

Juniors — Alexander Angus, Alinza Bolen, Cody Simon, Annabel Stalknaker, and Phylica Weckbacher

Sophomores — Aubree Isner, Jaelyn Potts and Phillip Strunk


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