
Suspects in drug cases arraigned in court

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — Numerous drug-related cases were arraigned Thursday in Belmont County Common Pleas Court with Judge John Vavra presiding.

Colby T. Rapier, 21, of 4417 Appian Way East, Gahanna, Ohio, pleaded innocent to one count of improperly handling a firearm in a motor vehicle and one count of trafficking in drugs, both occurring July 16. Pretrial was set for Dec. 12 with a plea agreement deadline Dec. 27 and trial Jan. 10. His bond of $16,000 was continued

Richard Bradley Valentine, 38, of 63901 Garrett Hill Road, St. Clairsville pleaded innocent to failing to give notice of change of address as a registered sex offender on Dec. 24. His pretrial was set for Dec. 12 with a plea agreement deadline Dec. 27 and trial Jan. 12. His recognizance bond was continued.

James Edward Wallace, 49, of 701 Howard St., Bridgeport pleaded innocent to driving under the influence on Aug. 20. His pretrial was set for Nov. 21 with plea agreement deadline Dec. 5 and trial Dec. 15. Bond was continued at $2,675.

Christopher Michael A. Bennett, 30, of 508 N. Broadway St., Barnesville pleaded innocent to trafficking in drugs on July 15. A pretrial was set for Dec. 5 with plea agreement deadline Dec. 19 and trial Jan. 5. He will be held without bond for his own safety, having violated an earlier bond by using drugs.

Mario Lee Jewell, 38, of 53242 Barton-Blaine Road, St. Clairsville pleaded innocent to complicity to trafficking in drugs in the vicinity of a juvenile, complicity to possession of heroin and two counts of complicity to endangering children, all allegedly occurring Sept. 23. His pretrial was set for Dec. 5 with plea agreement deadline Dec. 19 and trial Dec. 29. Bond was set at $25,000. He was allegedly part of a drug buy in which two children were present.

Aaron Michael Baker, 30, of Bridgeport pleaded innocent to burglary that allegedly occurred Oct. 10. His pretrial was set for Monday with plea agreement deadline Nov. 28 and trial Dec. 6. His bond was set at $5,000.

Clayton Donald James, 28, incarcerated, pleaded innocent to possession of a weapon while under detention on Sept. 17. His pretrial was set for Jan. 17 with a plea agreement deadline Feb. 13 and trial Feb. 28.

Michael Duane Brinkley, 30, of 1197 Lilley Ave., Columbus, Ohio, pleaded innocent to possession of marijuana on May 18. His pretrial was set for Dec. 27 with plea agreement deadline  Jan. 9 and trial Jan. 26. A recognizance bond was set.

Seth Adam Potts, 36, incarcerated, pleaded innocent to passing bad checks and theft on Aug. 1. Pretrial was set for Nov. 21 with plea agreement and trial dates to be scheduled.

Blake Saffell, 18, of 70627 Bannock-Uniontown Road, St. Clairsville pleaded innocent to endangering children. Pretrial was set for Monday with plea agreement deadline Nov. 28 and trial Dec. 13. Bond was set at $30,000. It is alleged that he caused harm to a child who was 5 months old at the time.


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