
Harrison County announces 4th COVID-19 case

CADIZ — Shortly after announcing its first recovered case of COVID-19, Harrison County announced two additional residents had tested positive Saturday, bringing the county’s total cases of the virus to four.

On Friday, the Harrison County Health Department announced one of its two confirmed cases had recovered from the virus.

“We thank the individual for their cooperation during these trying times and we are grateful for their return to health,” the department stated on its Facebook page.

The county’s first case was announced on April 14 and was a male in his 30s. The second case was announced a few days later on April 17, a female in her 40s.

On Wednesday, the department announced a second individual had recovered.

On Saturday morning a third positive case was announced — a male in his 70s. According to Administer Garen Rhome, the individual is a close contact of a confirmed positive case.

“The individual had been previously identified through the health department’s contact tracing process and has been under quarantine at home while monitoring for COVID-19 symptoms,” Rhome states in a release.

Later that day, the fourth case was announced — a female in her 40s who is a close contact of a confirmed positive case from another county. Rhome said the individual is isolated in her home and recovering.

People who were in close contact with both new patients have been notified and given advice on monitoring their health.

The health department continues to recommend residents follow the statewide stay-at-home order and social distancing procedures. It also recommends wearing a cloth mask when in public spaces.


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