
Harrison County obtains $85,000 in grants for courthouse projects

CADIZ — The Harrison County Courts secured $85,000 in grant funding to support two courthouse projects.

Harrison County Juvenile Court Judge Matthew P. Puskarich met with the Harrison County Board of Commissioners Wednesday to share the “good news” regarding two grants recently obtained to benefit two projects – one for new video technology and the other for security upgrades to the courthouse.

The first grant through the Ohio Supreme Court, for $26,000, provided all three county courtrooms with Lifesize, a new video conferencing software to aid with hearings amid the coronavirus pandemic.

“That has been installed in all three court rooms. … With this, they can link directly into the sheriff’s office, prosecutor’s office, they’re doing video arraignments. I’ve done them as well in Jefferson County so we don’t have to transport for bond hearings and initial appearances,” Puskarich said. “It’s worked very well without having to transport.”

Additionally, the software has allowed the judge to continue Dependency Court, which helps parents whose children were removed from their care navigate the court process.

“This is also how we’ve been able to do our Dependency Court with our families who are substance addicted and working very, very hard and doing a really great job during this times to get their children home sooner,” he said.

The new software is not only convenient for those using it, but also cost efficient by saving on transport fees. Some professional case witnesses charge hundreds of dollars in travel fees, he said.

“That saves time and efficiency,” he said.

Puskarich said the second grant obtained was for $59,000 through the second wave of funding through the Ohio Supreme Court amid the pandemic. The funding will provide a new security system at the courthouse.

“With the new security station about to come online, we will have cameras in every office,” he said.

“We’re installing the cameras outside and inside (the courthouse).”

Puskarich said he is very thankful for the funding provided by the state supreme court.

Commissioner Don Bethel thanked Puskarich for “staying on top” of the grants.

“Thanks for staying on top of the grants, like you always do. You do a nice job of keeping your eye out and getting money here in Harrison County to help with stuff like this,” he said.

Commissioners Paul Coffland and Dale Norris also thanked Puskarich for his work on securing the grants.

Commissioners next meet at 10 a.m. Wednesday at the courthouse in Cadiz.


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