
Monroe County takes bids for slip repairs

T-L File Photo Monroe County Engineer Amy Zwick speaks to the county commissioners in a prior meeting.

WOODSFIELD — The Monroe County Board of Commissioners accepted bids Monday for repairs on three more long-standing slips.

“We opened bids for Ohio Public Works emergency projects that we have coming up. It would have been three slip repairs,” Monroe County Engineer Amy Zwick said Tuesday. “A lot of what we have going on now are slip repairs, for (the Federal Emergency Management Agency), for the State of Ohio EMA, and also for Ohio Public Works.

“One is on County Road 10, Benwood Road. Another one on County Road 22, Bares Run Road. The third one was on County Road 81, which is Krebs Hill Road,” she said.

“We had two to three bidders on each project, and we will make the awards next week, once we get our notice to proceed from Ohio Public Works. We have to wait until after July 1 for the new fiscal year to start,” Zwick said.

For County Road 81, Monroe Drilling bid $10,177.50 and Precision Excavating bid $14,516.

For County Road 22, Ohio-West Virginia Excavating bid $273,427.90, the Alan Stone Co. bid $361,153.95 and the BBR Drilling Co. bid $339,243.

For County Road 10, Ohio-West Virginia Excavating bid $117,092.81 and the BBR Drilling Co. bid $119,719.98.

“They happened in February of 2019 and it’s just taking FEMA this long to approve them so we can get them out for construction. Some of them are quite old. They’ve been there for over two years,” Zwick said.

Zwick added county workers would be out and busy on the roadways as summer progresses.

“This is our main construction season, so we have culvert replacements happening, slip repairs happening, paving will be starting next week,” she said. “That’ll continue to happen through July and August and September as we try to get all of our projects for this year done.”

Safety remains a top priority, and the public is asked to keep the workers in mind when they take to the road, as well as their own well-being.

“Keep an eye on road closure notices. Please abide by the signage. We have a lot of folks that see a ‘Road Closed’ sign and go around it and get frustrated when they have to back out a ways. That sign is there for your information. Please abide by it and just be patient. We’re trying to improve our roads and we know that that’s inconvenient sometimes, but that’s what it takes to get it done.”


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