
Barnesville’s Captina Conservancy recently earned national recognition

BARNESVILLE — One thing that unites people as a nation is land — and it seems Americans strongly support saving the open spaces they love.

Since 2010, Captina Conservancy has been doing just that for the people of Eastern Ohio.

Captina Conservancy recently announced it has achieved national recognition — joining a network of over 450 accredited land trusts across the nation that have demonstrated their commitment to professional excellence and to maintaining the public’s trust in their work.

“Accreditation demonstrates Captina Conservancy’s commitment to permanent land conservation in Eastern Ohio,” said Ellie Ewing, Captina Conservancy executive director. “We are a stronger organization for having gone through the rigorous accreditation program. Our strength means special places — such as Captina Creek — will be protected forever, making Eastern Ohio an even greater place for us and our children.”

Captina Conservancy provided extensive documentation and was subject to a comprehensive third-party evaluation prior to achieving this distinction.

The Land Trust Accreditation Commission awarded accreditation, signifying its confidence that Captina Conservancy’s lands will be protected forever. Accredited land trusts steward almost 20 million acres of land — an area bigger than the state of West Virginia.

Captina Conservancy preserves land in Captina Creek watershed in southern Belmont County as well as the surrounding five counties in eastern Ohio. It holds a conservation easement at Raven Rocks and recently opened 2.5 miles of hiking trails on its property at Rock River Refuge in southwest Belmont County.

“It is exciting to recognize Captina Conservancy with this national mark of distinction,” said Melissa Kalvestrand, executive director of the commission. “Donors and partners can trust the more than 450 accredited land trusts across the country are united behind strong standards and have demonstrated sound finances, ethical conduct, responsible governance and lasting stewardship.”

Captina Conservancy is one of 1,363 land trusts across the United States, according to the Land Trust Alliance’s most recent National Land Trust Census. A complete list of accredited land trusts and more information about the process and benefits can be found at landtrustaccreditation.org.


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