
Cadiz police get $10,000 donation from FOE

CADIZ — The Fraternal Order of Eagles again stepped up as it has many times to hand over a $10,000 check to the Cadiz Police Department on Thursday.

Members Jim Bess, Larry Carter and Ron Stein, all past presidents of the FOE, appeared before Village Council at Thursday’s meeting.

“That’s what we’re for is people helping people,” Carter said. “Our fire departments, our police departments, our kids in school, that’s what the Eagles is about.”

The FOE members confirmed that around $110,000 has been donated by them to the Cadiz area over the years.

Carter said even though they’re just a small FOE outlet in Cadiz, he invited any member of the public to come in and “see what we are.”

“Anybody’s welcome,” he said. “Our whole goal is, everybody thinks it’s a little bar, it’s not. We are there to raise money just like we’re doing here. And this is not the only place we give money away. We give every month, the state of Ohio … gives away about $250,000 in grants every month to the Eagles.”

Other issues addressed during the hour-plus meeting included the stage at Sally Buffalo Park. Council decided to continue to not rent out the facility until the issue of insurance is cleared up. Village Administrator Brandon Ludwig raised the issue, asking council for clarification. The concern began as an issue of whether to allow the renting of the stage for free events.

“And because of liability issues last year, (it was) advised against,” Ludwig said.

He said, aside from liability issues, especially with the lodge not being rented, he had no objections to the stage being rented but wanted council’s input.

Councilman John Vermillion said there was nothing in the village’s ordinance for renting the stage, which meant its insurance did not cover that kind of a situation.

“So therefore, our insurance doesn’t cover it because there’s nothing to rent,” he told council. “They’re renting nothing, so there’s nothing to charge them.”

Village Solicitor Costa D.Mastros said the village would need a formal rental agreement for them to utilize, which would cover all issues such as insurance. In regards to Blues For a Cure using the stage last week, the group carries its own insurance, Vermillion said.

Council agreed that if it were a park board event then that would be acceptable. Council began discussing other issues where certain situations seemed to contradict the no-rent policy. Mastros said that whatever they decide, the rule should be consistent for everyone interested.

Also, Migliore reminded council of the need to place a 1-mill police levy on this November’s ballot. He said it would generate around $57,000, which McCann said would be for equipment. Mastros said he would prepare a notice to proceed followed by a resolution. He said it must pass by the next meeting because of an August deadline for getting it on to the ballot.

Council also decided to put up no swimming signs at the main lake near the entrance to Sally Buffalo Park, though canoes and kayaks are allowed. The next council meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 21 at 7 p.m.


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