
State fire marshal rules Dillonvale house fire arson

$5,000 reward for information

Photo Provided An arsonist apparently is responsible for the destruction of this Dillonvale-area structure that burned on Saturday. A reward is being offered for information in the case.

DILLONVALE — A residential structure fire in Dillonvale in Belmont County has been ruled arson by the Ohio Division of State Fire Marshal’s Fire and Explosion Investigation Bureau and Belmont County sheriff.

Investigators are seeking tips from the public to help identify those responsible.

About 11:20 a.m. Saturday, the Colerain Volunteer Fire Department and other mutual aid departments were dispatched for a fire at 53290 Major Road in Dillonvale, Colerain Township, near the Ohio-West Virginia border.

The Blue Ribbon Arson Committee is offering a reward of up to $5,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for this fire.

Anyone who has information should contact the State Fire Marshal’s tip line at 800-589-2728.


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