
Ketzell II receives distinguished service award


BROOKSIDE — Brookside Assistant Fire Chief Allan Ketzell II was honored with the 2023 Ohio Fire Service Distinguished Service Award on Wednesday at COSI in Columbus.

The Ohio Department of Commerce’s Division of State Fire Marshal and the Ohio Department of Public Safety’s Division of EMS awarded the fire service’s highest honors during the state’s 42nd annual Ohio Fire Service Hall of Fame & Fire Awards ceremony.

“We are honored to recognize Ohio’s firefighters and EMS professionals,” said State Fire Marshal Kevin Reardon. “Their selfless service and dedication to their communities is an inspiration to us all, and we are grateful for their bravery and commitment to keeping us safe.”

The ceremony was attended by state officials, first responders, family members of the honorees and members of the public who came to show support and gratitude for the work of Ohio’s firefighters and EMS professionals.

Lt. Gov. Jon Husted, Ohio Department of Commerce Director Sherry Maxfield, Reardon, Director of Public Safety Andy Wilson and Robert Wagoner, executive director of the Ohio Division of EMS, were all in attendance. Husted, Reardon and Wilson each provided remarks recognizing Ohio’s firefighters and EMS professionals.

Their remarks highlighted the importance of recognizing Ohio’s firefighters and EMS professionals, and their commitment to improving fire safety and emergency response services throughout the state.

Husted expressed his gratitude for sacrifices made by Ohio’s first responders, saying, “It’s an honor to recognize their heroic efforts today. Their commitment to their communities is truly inspiring, and we thank them for their service.”

The event was broadcast by the Ohio Channel and the recording is available at ohiochannel.org.

Ketzell II has been with the Brookside Fire Department since he was a cadet in 1958. Through his tenure with the department, he has served as a firefighter and EMT, assistant fire chief, fire chief and now again as assistant fire chief since 1988.

He has received numerous honors and awards throughout that time, including Firefighter of the Year on five separate occasions, the Commendation Medal in 2013 and the Belmont County Fire and Squad Officers Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2015.

His son and Brookside Chief Allan Ketzell III nominated his father for the award, stating that “Allan is a very motivated, passionate, aggressive, no nonsense individual who leads by example.”

“If there was one person to follow and learn from it would be him. From 40 years as a funeral director or his 64 years in fire service, he has always been the one that charges ahead and completes the task,” the younger Ketzell wrote. “There is no maybe but only positive thinking. … Allan has battled prostate and bladder cancer on four different occasions. When he was first diagnosed with prostate cancer, he looked at the doctor and said, ‘Is that all?’

He then proceeded to leave the doctor’s office to answer a medical emergency.

In a video detailing his service created in conjunction with the award, other family members recalled his dedication to the public. His wife, Pat, said he missed many meals at home while responding to fires and emergencies.

“My dad was a person who was a servant of his community,” daughter Dawn Ketzell Boston said. “He wanted to make where we lived the best possible place that it could be.”

Jason Wilson, owner of WIlson’s Furniture, said his father, the late Charlie Wilson, was a state representative, he worked with Ketzell II to craft legislation that ultimately became a law that protects Ohio firefighters from ramifications at work when they are serving the volunteer fire service.

Ketzell II remembers growing up right across the street from the firehouse and that his own father was involved with the department. That experience prompted him to join in 1958 as a cadet.

According to a news release about the awards, there are approximately 50,000 men and women who serve in Ohio’s fire service. Twelve awards were presented in the following categories: Citizens Award, Fire Service Valor Award, Ohio Fire Service Distinguished Service Award, Ohio Fire Service Instructor of the Year, Ohio Fire Officer of the Year, Ohio Fire Educator Lifetime Achievement Award and Ohio Fire Department of the Year.

Ketzell was the only local honoree this year.


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