
Prisoner escapes, is recaptured in Ferry

MARTINS FERRY — An alert went out to city residents late Thursday afternoon that a prisoner had escaped from police custody while being transported through Martins Ferry.

Police converged on the area of the Bob Evans restaurant along Ohio 7 at Aetna Street, where Martins Ferry and Bridgeport meet.

The fugitive was apprehended two hours later, at about 7 p.m.

During the search, police cruisers from Martins Ferry, Bridgeport and the Belmont County Sheriff’s Office were parked in the industrial area between Ohio 7 and the Ohio River while officers were out searching.

The Martins Ferry Police Department issued the following alert to residents:

“The Martins Ferry police department and the Belmont County Sheriff’s department are looking for a white male 44 years old wearing a black shirt and blue jeans and a hat. Maia weighs 210 pounds is 5’7” tall has short black hair and a goatee male was a prisoner who jumped out of a vehicle on route, seven near Kroger’s, if anyone sees an individual matching this description, please call 911 and report it to Martins Ferry police or Belmont County Sheriff Dept.”

No inmate with the last name “Maia” was listed on the jail roster late Thursday.

After 6 p.m., several police vehicles were seen near Bob Evans lot with their emergency lights running, as well as a Bridgeport ambulance.

Several people were observing the activity from the parking lot across the highway, including Paul Castricone of Bellaire.

“I don’t know what is happening, I just came down here on a bike ride,” Castricone said. “When you see that many cops, you can’t help but wonder what the heck is going on.”

Just before 7 p.m., Belmont County Chief Deputy James Zusack confirmed that the man was in custody. He said the case was in Martins Ferry’s jurisdiction and that his deputies assisted the police department there.

Martins Ferry Mayor John Davies also said he had received word from the police that the fugitive had been apprehended.

“They just called me. I was at the pool and I locked the pool down,” Davies said. “That way all the kids are protected.”

Sgt. Beth Scales of the Martins Ferry Police Department later said that no further information would be released by the department and that all inquiries should be directed to the Weirton Police Department.

Calls to the Weirton Police Department seeking additional information went unanswered Thursday evening.


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