
Winter diaper drive seeks public support

ST. CLAIRSVILLE –In addition to little sweaters, hats and booties, babies and toddlers need diapers to stay clean, dry and warm.

You can help by donating diapers (currently the biggest need is sizes 2-6) or by giving a financial donation towards the purchase of diapers for the Little Kidz Kloset.

During this year’s St. Clairsville Christmas Parade on Dec. 3, volunteers will be available to accept gifts of diapers and baby wipes or financial donations at the front doors of Calvary Presbyterian Church, 100 S. Marietta St., before, during and after the parade.

Hot chocolate and popcorn will also be available at the front doors of the church to help usher in the holiday season.

Gifts of diapers can also be dropped off at the church office each weekday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. or monetary donations can be made through the Tithely app (search Calvary Presbyterian Church) with a designation to LKK. All proceeds go to the purchase of diapers.

For more information about LKK or how you can help, call the church office at 740-695-0242.


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