
Hospice trees up across local area

Photo provided A memorial tree is on display at WesBanco in Barnesville.

BARNESVILLE — Each year, Hospice of Guernsey provides loved ones an opportunity to remember those whom they have lost by displaying memorial ornaments on trees across the area. This year’s ornaments are extremely limited and can only be purchased at tree locations while supplies last.

The ornaments decorate memorial trees in each county Hospice of Guernsey serves. In the Belmont County area, the trees can be found at WesBanco in Barnesville and The Home Towner Cafe in Quaker City.

The memorial trees will be on display at each location until after the New Year.

Purchased ornaments can be picked up from the location they are displayed anytime throughout the holiday season. After New Year, all remaining ornaments will be returned to the Hospice of Guernsey office, located at 9711 East Pike Road, Cambridge, and will be available for pick up there. All funds raised will benefit patient care and bereavement support for those in the local area.


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