
Names and charges released from Thursday’s chase

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — The Belmont County Sheriff’s Office released the names and charges of two people arrested following a high-speed chase late Thursday afternoon.

Kasey Travis Thompson is being held at the Belmont County Jail on third-degree felonies of failure to comply with a police officer, tampering with evidence, and possession of crack cocaine. His bond is $30,000. Brittany Ann Hickman is also in jail, charged with thir-degree felony possession of crack and second-degree misdemeanor obstruction of official business. Her bond is $10,750. According to jail records, both are awaiting arraignment in Belmont County Eastern Division Court.

Chief Deputy James Zusack of the Belmont County Sheriff’s Office said the pursuit began in West Virginia and continued across the Moundsville Bridge into Ohio. He said more information is expected to be released next week.


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