
$500K in antique coins recovered during traffic stop

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — Local law enforcement found about $500,000 in coins as a result of a traffic stop.

Detectives with the Belmont County Sheriff’s Criminal Interdiction Unit recovered antique coins reportedly stolen in a burglary in Grandview Heights, Ohio. The coin are part of a collection valued at nearly a half-million dollars.

Jason Skaggs, 50, and wife Jasmin Skaggs, 29, of Columbus, were stopped in Belmont County on Friday. Both are being held at the Belmont County Jail on drugs and weapons charges. They will also be held on a detainer for burglary charges in Columbus.

Chief Deputy James Zusack commended detectives for observing the coins during their search and learning that the Skaggs were persons of interest in the Grandview Heights case.


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