
Child Abuse and Prevention Awareness Luncheon held

T-L Photos/GAGE VOTA Staff from the Belmont County Department of Job and Family Services gather for an awareness luncheon on Tuesday. Shown from left are: Christine Parker, Michelle Marchio, Emily Cominsky, Wendy Tomlinson, Hope Romshak, Deasia Burney, Lauren Battistone, Annika Burga, Jennifer Fietz, Marissa Parks, Stacie Brown, Chris Dinapoli and Megan Stuckey.

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — The Belmont County Department of Job and Family Services and the Belmont County Board of Commissioners held the annual Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Luncheon on Tuesday afternoon at Undo’s West.

The luncheon was to honor those who work together to advance the advocacy of abused and neglected children in Belmont County.

Jeff Felton, the Belmont County director of Job and Family Services, was the master of ceremony. He spoke briefly about the importance of everyone in Belmont County working together.

“My Children’s Administrator Kristine told me that Commissioner J.P. Dutton was quoted saying if it’s for Children Services, we will make it happen,” he said.

He applauded the Belmont County Board of Commissioners for always being true to their word and helping out as much as possible.

Felton then gave the floor to commission President Jerry Echemann.

Echemann said, “I see a lot of people here, I’m really impressed. This turnout I didn’t expect.”

He then thanked the Department of Job and Family Services staff for everything that they do to help children.

“Every child deserves a loving home, and I’m sure we can all agree on that,” he said. “And if we cannot achieve a home filled with love, we can at least achieve a safe environment for them where they are not subject to any abuse.”

Echemann finished by saying how the commissioners recently passed a proclamation that states Belmont County recognizes April as Child Abuse Prevention Month.

Director Felton then introduced Ohio Department of Children and Youth’s Chief Government and External Affairs Officer Joel Potts. Potts has over 35 years of experience in state government and was primarily responsible for managing the development and implementation of Ohio’s welfare reform program.

“It is truly exciting to be here, not just because I am home but because I know the work and leadership that you’re doing here,” Potts said while speaking to the Belmont County Department of Job and Family Services staff. He then asked the crowd to give a round of applause to the social workers and caseworkers in attendance for all of the hard work they do every day.

“Our workers need our help, they need our respect and they deserve that respect,” he continued. “Our communities need to come together, so we can do better and do what’s right for kids.

“It’s not about numbers that are served but whether or not we’ve served people right.”

He then used an analogy of how McDonald’s focuses on its successes and not its failures. “When you go to McDonald’s they have a sign that says billions served not hundreds food poisoned. But when we talk about our programs it’s easy to get bogged down by the minutiae. It’s so easy to think about the things that aren’t working. We need to be able to recognize what’s working and what’s not.”

He then touched on the importance of oral literacy with children. The Dolly Parton Imagination Library is a program where children in Ohio under the age of 5 can receive free books. The program is through the Ohio Jobs and Family Services and he said, “Two out of every three children in Ohio under 5 are receiving those free books.”

Another agency he brought up was the Ohio Commission of Fatherhood.

He said, “When you look at what the information is telling us for decades we’ve been going in the wrong direction. When you have a positive relationship with the absent father in the household, the difference it makes in the child’s life is exponentially better.”

He also stressed that the commission isn’t saying they should force marriage or be put into a difficult situation, but trying to get fathers actively engaged with their children. He wrapped up his speech by saying, “If we expect success or failure to be hinged on Job and Family Services it will fail. We need to hinge on the success of all of you working together.”

Felton then asked if the Belmont County Children Services administrator would come up to speak and close out the luncheon. She spoke briefly, thanking everyone in attendance for being a part of the event. She then thanked all of the staff at the Belmont County Department of Job and Family Services and the Belmont County Board of Commissioners for all of the hard work they do.

“Together we are better and we are making a difference,” she said.


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